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2023 ice festival introduced in Harbin China

  • Ice festival at Harbin ice and snow world start on 1999, until now 24 Years,  the park covers 810,000 square meters, ice building covers 600,000 square meters, every year different look ing, every years new building, when Harbin weather cold enough start to building around 5 of December, taking half month finish, usually open around 23 of December, at the entry of February closed, ice world building by ice blocks, all ice blocks take from our River, called Songhuariver, what will building inside park, every year different ideas, this year mail ice  buildings from Asia, like India famous building,  also every year has main tower in the ice park, this year also the crown of ice and snow, tall is 43 meters, use 11000 cubic meter s of ice,  the main tower is city flowers lilacs.

    Ice festival entry ticket is 298yuan 2023

    if you need anything hope we can help you

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    Email: harbinprivatetours@163.com

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